The Monk Marcian of Syr'

Commemorated on January 18

      The Monk Marcian of Syr' asceticised in the wilderness near the city of Syr'. Having built himself a small hut, he settled in it, passing the time at prayer, singing psalms and reading the Divine books. His food was very skimpy. Reports about his holy life attracted to him many zealous ascetics, and the Monk Marcian established a monastery for them.
      The blessing of God rested upon the saint, and he possessed the gift of wonderworking. One time a serpent crawled into his cell towards him, and the monk made the sign of the cross and the serpent perished, having been burnt up by flames. At night, when the ascetic read, an Heavenly light shined for him. The monk also worked many other miracles on behalf of the brethren. He died in peace about the year 388.

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.