The Holy Martyr Eleutherios Cubicularius

Commemorated on December 15, August 4

      The Holy Martyr Eleutherios Cubicularius was an illustrious and rich chamberlain ("cubicularius") at the Byzantine court. Amidst all his courtly privileges, Eleutherios was not beguiled by worldly goods and honours; he dwelt constantly in thought about the imperishable and eternal. Having accepted holy Baptism, he began daily to glorify God with psalmody and to bejewel his life with virtuous deeds. But one of his servants through diabolic promptings, informed against his master to the [then still pagan] emperor. The emperor tried to dissuade Eleutherios from his faith in Christ, but after the unsuccessful attempts the emperor gave orders to behead him, and to cast out his body for devouring by dogs and vultures. A certain Christian priest took up the body of the saint and committed it to burial.
      A second commemoration of the martyr is under – 4 August.

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.