The Minsk Icon of the MostHoly Mother of God

Commemorated on August 13

      The Minsk Icon of the MostHoly Mother of God was brought by holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir from Korsun and installed within the Kiev Desytin-Tithe church (the commemoration of the consecration of the church in the year 996 – is under 12 May). In the year 1500, during the time of the taking of Kiev by khan Mengli-Gyr, a certain Tatar stripped from the icon its cover and adornments, and threw it into the Dneipr River. After a certain while it was found floating in the River Svislocha. Brought to shore and surrounded with an extraordinary light, the icon was solemnly taken to the church in honour of the Nativity of the MostHoly Mother of God, situated in the holdings of the Minsk appanage princes. This occurred on 13 August 1500.


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