The Holy Martyr Paul

Commemorated on April 3

      The Holy Martyr Paul was a Russian and accepted death under the Turks in 1683.
      In his youthful years he was taken into captivity by Tatars in the Crimea, and then was taken to Constantinople. After harsh labour the saint received his freedom and married a Russian woman, also situated in captivity. From his harsh slave labour the saint fell ill with epilepsy. His wife and neighbours – Christians, decided to take him to the church of the MostHoly Mother of God of Mugluneia, where certain of the sick had received healing. Saint Paul in an attack of his illness resisted and shouted: "I am an hagarite, and shall remain an hagarite". The Turks, angered that Christians had forcefully taken into a church a man accepting Islam, rushed off to report this to the vizier. The vizier summoned Saint Paul, who came to him al ready healed. Upon interrogation the saint confessed himself a Christian and, encouraged by his spouse, did not yield to the threats of the Muslims. On Great Friday 1683 Saint Paul was beheaded for his belief in Christ. His wife also was subjected to torture, but after a ransom bribe she was released from prison.