The Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God, "Unfading Blossom" ("Neuvyadaemii Tsvet"):

Commemorated on April 3

      The Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God, "Unfading Blossom" ("Neuvyadaemii Tsvet"): On this icon the Most Holy Mother of God holds Her Divine Son upon Her right arm, and in Her left hand – is a bouquet of white lilies. This bouquet symbolically signifies the unfading flower of virginity and immaculateness of the All-Pure Virgin, to Whom thus also Holy Church turns: "Thou art the Root of virginity and the Unfading Blossom of purity". Copies of this icon were glorified at Moscow, Voronezh and other locales of the Russian Church.

The Icon of the
Most Holy Mother of God, "Unfading Blossom" ("Neuvyadaemii

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