The PriestMartyr Dionysios, Bishop of Alexandria

Commemorated on October 5

      The PriestMartyr Dionysios, Bishop of Alexandria, was at mature age converted to Christianity by the reknown teacher of the Church, Origen (III), and became his student. Afterwards, he was the head of the Alexandrian Catechetical School, and then in the year 247, he was elevated to bishop of Alexandria.
      Saint Dionysios exerted much effort for the defence of Orthodoxy from heresy, and he encouraged his flock in the firm confession of the True Faith during times of persecution under the emperors Decius (249-251) and Valerian (253-259).
      The holy bishop underwent much suffering. When a plague appeared in Alexandria, the saint called on his flock to tend sick christians and pagans alike, and to bury the dead. About the repose of his spiritual children he wrote: "By such manner the best of our brethren have departed life. This generation of the dead – a deed of great piety and firm faith, no wise less a martyrdom". Saint Dionysios none the less illumined his flock with deeds of love and charity. He died in the year 264 or 265.


© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.