Sainted Kallistos, Patriarch of Constantinople

Commemorated on June 20

      Sainted Kallistos, Patriarch of Constantinople, at first asceticised upon Athos under the spiritual guidance of the Monk Gregory the Sinaite (Comm. 8 August). In 1350 he was elevated to the Constantinople OEcumenical cathedra-seat, occupying it under the reign of the emperors John Kantakuzenos (1341-1355) and John Paleologos (1341-1376). After two years as arch-hierarch he withdrew for deeds of silence to a monastery constructed by him in honour of Saint Mamant at Tenedos. Later again he was elevated to the Patriarchal seat. Holy Patriarch Kallistos reposed in about the year 1363 in Serbia, whither he had travelled with an embassy of John Paleologos. Saint Kallistos is known also as an author of spiritual writings.

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