Sainted Triphyllios, Bishop of Leukyssa

Commemorated on June 13

      Sainted Triphyllios, Bishop of Leukyssa, was born in Constantinople, and he received his education at Berit (Beirut, in Lebanon). He was very intelligent and eloquent. In spite of this, the saint chose as his guide a man not bookish nor learned, but of profound holiness – Sainted Spyridon of Trimiphunteia (+ 348, Comm. 12 December). The emperor Constantine II (337-340) fell grievously ill and, having received no help from the doctors, he turned with fervent prayer to God. In a dream he saw an Angel, directing him to a gathering of saintly hierarchs. Pointing out two of them, the Angel said that only through them could he receive healing. Constantine circulated an imperial edict throughout all the districts, commanding the bishops to gather. Saint Spyridon also received this order. Together with his disciple Saint Triphyllios, he set out to the emperor. The sick one immediately recognised them as the healers pointed out by the Angel. He bowed to them and asked them to pray for his health. Saint Spyridon with a prayer touched the head of the emperor, and he became well. Saint Triphyllios was charmed by the beautiful palace, the majestic figure of the emperor, and the pomp of palace life. Saint Spyridon said to this: "Why art thou astonished? Doth then this lustre make the emperor any more righteous? All of them – emperors and dignitaries – will alike die and stand together with the very poorest before the judgement-seat of God. One ought to seek after the eternal blessings and Heavenly glories".
      Soon Saint Triphyllios was made bishop of the city of Leukyssa on Cyprus. He often visited with Saint Spyridon. One time they passed together through an area of vineyards and gardens of especial beauty and abundance, named Parimnos. Saint Triphyllios, attracted by the beauty of nature, began to consider how they might explore this land. Saint Spyridon discerned the thoughts of Saint Triphyllios and said: "Why dost thou incessantly think about earthly and transitory blessings? Our habitation and riches art in Heaven, to which we ought to strive". Thus did Saint Spyridon constantly lead his student towards spiritual perfection, which Saint Triphyllios attained through the prayers of his preceptor. Saint Triphyllios had a charitable soul, an heart without malice, right faith and love towards all, and many other virtues.
      One time a Council of bishops assembled on Cyprus. The father of the Council requested that Saint Triphyllios, known for his erudition and eloquence, give an edifying speech to the people. Speaking about the healing of the paralytic by the Lord (Mk. 2 : 11). in place of the word "cot" he used the word "bed". Impatient with the imprecise rendering of the Gospel text, Saint Spyridon roused himself and said to Saint Triphyllios: "Art thou better than He that spake "cot", that thou be ashamed of His wording?" – and abruptly he left the church. Thus did Saint Spyridon give Saint Triphyllios a lesson in humility, so that he would not get puffed up with pride over the talent of eloquence bestown on him. Saint Triphyllios wisely shepherded his flock. From the means left him by his mother, he built a monastery at Leukyssa. The saint died in old age in about the year 370.
      At the beginning of the XII Century the Russian pilgrim Hegumen Daniel saw the relics of Saint Triphyllios on Cyprus.

© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.