The Holy Hodegetria Icon of the Mother of God, named the Shuisk

Commemorated on July 28, November 2 and on the Tuesday of the Bright Week

      The Holy Hodegetria Icon of the Mother of God, named the Shuisk, appeared in the city of Shui of Vladimir diocese at the very height of a raging deadly epidemic in the years 1654-1655. The inhabitants of the city fled this misfortune by prayer, and gathered together in the churches, beseeching mercy of the Lord. A certain pious parishioner of the Resurrection church discussed with his compatriots to gather together the means and to commission a copy of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God and place it in the temple, which was done. The icon was written in 7 days, during which time the inhabitants of Shui fasted and made fervent prayer to the Mother of God. Having communed the Holy Mysteries, they with a priest at the head carried the newly written icon into the church. And from that time the deadly pestilence ceased. In 1831 by the intercession of the Mother of God a cholera epidemic at Shui ceased. From this holy icon the lad Jakov received healing from demonic-affliction, and likewise many others of the sick.


© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.