Today's Scripture Readings
August 12, 2010/July 30, 2010
Parish Life
Christ is Born! Glorify Him!
Festal Greetings of the Nativity of Christ.
Installation of Parish Council Officers
Sunday, January 12 at the end of the Divine Liturgy we will conduct the installation of the Parish Council Officers for the Year 2025. May God bless their work for our parish.
Congratulations, Cemetery Committee Officers – 2025
We congratulate the newly re-elected Cemetery Committee officers: Michael Mickel–Cemetery Manager; Albert Blaszak–Secretary, and Drew Pastor–Treasurer. Many Years!
Nativity Celebrations – Thank you!
We sincerely thank Anna-Zumrat Shkurba and the Sisterhood for coordinating both the Nativity Eve Lenten supper and the festive lunch on Nativity and we thank everyone who brought food and drink to share. The church was full at both services! It certainly felt like a Winter Pascha. Such joyous feast days and celebrations leave a big impression on our souls, and they help us to grow in love and faith, and to further strengthen our bonds of friendship. Thank you!
Warm Coat Drive
Our parish is collecting used / slightly worn warm coats to be donated to the Baltimore City Detention Center. The coats will be given to adults who are released on cold days without the proper winter attire. Please bring your items to the hall. Your donations are greatly appreciated. For more information contact Martin Masiuk.
Bible Bowl – February 1, 2025, 2:00 PM
St. Mary Antiochian Orthodox Church (909 Shawan Road, Hunt Valley; ) will host this year’s Baltimore Orthodox Bible Bowl on Saturday, February 1, 2025 at 2:00 PM. The competition will be in three age groups: elementary, middle and high school teams. The participants will study the Gospel of St. Luke. Pan-Orthodox Great Vespers will be celebrated at 5:00 PM in the church. Trophies and prizes will be awarded to the winning teams. Our children are strongly encouraged to participate. Parents, please discuss the details with Dr. Pat Disharoon.
Flyer / Rules / Registration Form
Urgent Replacement of Furnace
Recently our oil furnace was inspected by our HVAC maintenance company at the start of the heating season. The results of the inspection were sent to the manufacturer, which deemed the furnace unsafe to operate. It has significant cracks, unburned oil coating the interior and it is more than 25 years old. Because the heating season is upon us, the parish council made an emergency decision to replace the furnace. Upon consultation with our HVAC maintenance company, and after careful deliberation, the parish council decided to install natural gas furnaces. This new system is 98% efficient and far more reliable than an oil furnace. Work will begin the week of November 4 and will continue for at least two weeks. Questions? Please contact Victor Marinich.
Total Cost: $120,000. Donations are welcomed.
Please Donate Here>>>.
Vigil Candles: On the Altar and near St. Barbara
We have three vigil candles that are always burning – two near the large icon of the Holy Great-Martyr Barbara which holds a piece of her relics, and one on the holy altar table. These vigil lights burn from Sunday to Sunday. To have these candles burn 24 hours a day on behalf of someone we are praying for is quite a special blessing. We continue to accept donations to have these three vigil candles burn each week either for the health/salvation of the living and/or in memory of a departed loved one. A $15 donation will keep all three candles lit for one week. Schedule your candle offering with Elena Loyko.
To help the Ukrainian refugees donate to these organizations:
Sponsor a Ukrainian Family
Uniting for Ukraine:
Coffee Hours
We are happy to announce that Coffee Hour will be offered every Sunday. The menu will be small – just soup and light refreshments. If you would like to sponsor a coffee hour or offer help, please contact Olga Mychko. Also, each week we need volunteers to help with serving and clean up during coffee hour.
Transportation to Church
Do you need transportation to Church? Or would you be able to bring a parishioner, who doesn’t drive, to church from time to time? If you answered “yes” to either question, please contact Alexey Shevelkin. He is coordinating our parish’s efforts to offer transportation to parishioners who can’t get to church on their own. Thank you for your assistance.
Submit your 2025 Pledge
The mission of our parish is to spread the Word of God, to grow, to expand, to improve, and not just to preserve our traditions. Our parish shouldn’t become stale but pursue holiness. We strive to fulfill the mission of our parish, through prayer, work, and sacrifice. Prayer – because we are called to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17); work – because we are taught to increase the talents given to us (Matt. 25: 14-30); and sacrifice – because "everyone to whom much is given, from him will much be required" (Luke 12:48). Please be generous as the Lord is generous to you. When completing your pledge for the new year, please consider raising your level of giving. Our church cannot operate without your financial contributions. Our parish will grow only through your prayers, work, and generous sacrifice. OFFERING PLEDGE FORM.
When you are generous, you are not bestowing a gift, but repaying a debt. Everything you possess materially comes from God, who created all things. And every spiritual and moral virtue you possess is through divine grace. Thus, you owe everything to God. More than that, God has given you his Son, to show you how to live: how to use your material possessions, and how to grow in moral and spiritual virtue. ---St. John Chrysostom
O Lord Save and Preserve
With much anguish we see the tragic events continuing in Ukraine. More than five million refugees have fled the country, and thousands of civilians and soldiers have been killed in this fratricidal war between two Orthodox countries. Countless others are injured, displaced and at the threshold of economic ruin. So much death, destruction, suffering and hatred have been caused by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.
As Orthodox Christians, we do not support violence and aggression. We fervently pray for the immediate cessation of bloodshed, for the complete restoration of peace, for the well-being of the people in Ukraine and for the rebuilding of Christian love between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ commands us to love one another as our Heavenly Father loves us.
Let us always remember that first and foremost, we are Orthodox Christians. And our Holy Orthodox Church, throughout history, has united Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and people of all ethnicities into the one, true, Orthodox faith.
We are brothers and sisters in Christ, and because we are brothers and sisters, we cannot stand idle or keep silent during these dreadful days. Our parish continues to collect funds to help the suffering people of Ukraine. We keep praying for peace, and we call upon our hierarchs to do everything in their power to stop hostilities. Lord have mercy!
The parish of Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church does not have any affiliation with the Russian or American governments. We receive no financial support from any governmental or church institutions. Our entire budget (100%) is funded by the generous donations of our parishioners and friends and by the various fundraising events we conduct.