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Today's Scripture Readings

August 12, 2010/July 30, 2010

Parish Life

Glory to God !

Heritage Festival was a great success – THANK YOU !

The 51st Annual Holy Trinity Heritage Festival was a great success. The food was fantastic. The baked goods and desserts were plentiful and delicious. The entertainment was excellent (bravo!). And the atmosphere throughout the two days of the event was joyous and very uplifting. It was wonderful to see how well we all worked together and supported each other. Our friendships were greatly strengthened. We sincerely thank our Festival chairpersons, captains and volunteers for their hard work to make the event a success: Michael Mickel (Finance/Mult-Tasks), Albert Blaszak (Kitchen), Natalie Blaszak (Baking), Vadim Radchenko (Shashlik Team), Larisa Hidar (Blinchiki Team / Sales / Entertainment), Anna-Zumrat Shkurba and Olga Mychko (Pelmeni Team), Tatiana Masiuk, Daria Materewicz, Anysia Sierkowski, and Rachel Tsimmerman (Desserts), Vlad Volkov (Souvenirs), Alexey Shevelkin (Photo Booth), Victor Marinich (Beer/Wine), Dan Walsh, (Soft Drinks), Natallia Makarava (Sales/Volunteers/General Tasks), and Andrei & Natalie Burbelo (General Set-up/Decorations). In addition, our special thanks to Art Lisowsky, Festival Chairman-Emeritus for his advice and support. Our baking crews and all the teams had several volunteers, most of whom worked all day Saturday and Sunday. We warmly thank them for their dedication. And we thank the parishioners and friends who attended the event and helped make the festival a great success.


Tone 4

We, thine unworthy servants, O Lord, / grateful for Thy great benefits which Thou hast showed upon us, / glorifying Thee do praise, bless, give thanks, sing, and magnify Thy loving-kindness, / and with love do cry aloud unto Thee in humble submissiveness: // O our Benefactor and Savior, glory to Thee.

Tone 3

O Master Who hast freely vouchsafed Thy benefits / and gifts unto Thine unprofitable servants, / zealously resorting unto Thee, / we offer unto Thee thanksgiving according to our strength, / and glorifying Thee as our Benefactor and Creator, we cry aloud: // Glory to thee, O God most bountiful.

O Theotokos, the helper of Christians, / having acquired thy protection, / we thy servants gratefully do cry aloud unto thee: / Rejoice, most pure Virgin Theotokos! / And from calamities deliver thou us always by thy prayers, / O thou who alone art a speedy helper in trouble.

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:17

Book Discussion – November 11

On Mondays, beginning November 11, we will conduct a weekly book discussion via Zoom. The group for English speakers will meet 7:00 – 8:00 PM and the group for Russian speakers will meet 8:15 – 9:15 PM. We will discuss the book: Jesus Christ: His Life & Teachings vol.4 The Parables of Jesus by Metropolitan Hilarion Alfeyev.

You must register ahead of time to receive reading assignments and log in information

You may purchase the book at Amazon; and St. Vladimir Seminary Press
Книга на русском доступна бесплатно в Интернете здесь >>>

Thanksgiving Dinner – Sunday, November 17th

On Sunday, November 17th, after Divine Liturgy our parish will conduct a traditional Thanksgiving Dinner – turkey, stuffing, sweet potatoes, pumpkin pie…the works. Suggested donation: $15/adult; $5/kids ages 6-12; $0/kids ages up to 5. All the gross proceeds of the dinner will go to support the work of the International Orthodox Christian Charities, to the Fund for Assistance (ROCOR), and other charities identified by our Charity Committee. Please RSVP to Albert Blaszak.

Vigil Candles: On the Altar and near St. Barbara

We have three vigil candles that are always burning – two near the large icon of the Holy Great-Martyr Barbara which holds a piece of her relics, and one on the holy altar table. These vigil lights burn from Sunday to Sunday. To have these candles burn 24 hours a day on behalf of someone we are praying for is quite a special blessing. We continue to accept donations to have these three vigil candles burn each week either for the health/salvation of the living and/or in memory of a departed loved one. A $15 donation will keep all three candles lit for one week. Schedule your candle offering with Elena Loyko.

To help the Ukrainian refugees donate to these organizations:

Sponsor a Ukrainian Family

Uniting for Ukraine:

Coffee Hours

We are happy to announce that Coffee Hour will be offered every Sunday. The menu will be small – just soup and light refreshments. If you would like to sponsor a coffee hour or offer help, please contact Olga Mychko. Also, each week we need volunteers to help with serving and clean up during coffee hour.

Transportation to Church

Do you need transportation to Church? Or would you be able to bring a parishioner, who doesn’t drive, to church from time to time? If you answered “yes” to either question, please contact Alexey Shevelkin. He is coordinating our parish’s efforts to offer transportation to parishioners who can’t get to church on their own. Thank you for your assistance.

Submit your 2024 Pledge

The mission of our parish is to spread the Word of God, to grow, to expand, to improve, and not just to preserve our traditions. Our parish shouldn’t become stale but pursue holiness. We strive to fulfill the mission of our parish, through prayer, work, and sacrifice. Prayer – because we are called to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17); work – because we are taught to increase the talents given to us (Matt. 25: 14-30); and sacrifice – because "everyone to whom much is given, from him will much be required" (Luke 12:48). Please be generous as the Lord is generous to you. When completing your pledge for the new year, please consider raising your level of giving. Our church cannot operate without your financial contributions. Our parish will grow only through your prayers, work, and generous sacrifice. OFFERING PLEDGE FORM.

When you are generous, you are not bestowing a gift, but repaying a debt. Everything you possess materially comes from God, who created all things. And every spiritual and moral virtue you possess is through divine grace. Thus, you owe everything to God. More than that, God has given you his Son, to show you how to live: how to use your material possessions, and how to grow in moral and spiritual virtue. ---St. John Chrysostom

O Lord Save and Preserve

With much anguish we see the tragic events continuing in Ukraine. More than five million refugees have fled the country, and thousands of civilians and soldiers have been killed in this fratricidal war between two Orthodox countries. Countless others are injured, displaced and at the threshold of economic ruin. So much death, destruction, suffering and hatred have been caused by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine.

As Orthodox Christians, we do not support violence and aggression. We fervently pray for the immediate cessation of bloodshed, for the complete restoration of peace, for the well-being of the people in Ukraine and for the rebuilding of Christian love between the peoples of Russia and Ukraine. Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ commands us to love one another as our Heavenly Father loves us.

Let us always remember that first and foremost, we are Orthodox Christians. And our Holy Orthodox Church, throughout history, has united Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, and people of all ethnicities into the one, true, Orthodox faith.

We are brothers and sisters in Christ, and because we are brothers and sisters, we cannot stand idle or keep silent during these dreadful days. Our parish continues to collect funds to help the suffering people of Ukraine. We keep praying for peace, and we call upon our hierarchs to do everything in their power to stop hostilities. Lord have mercy!

The parish of Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Church does not have any affiliation with the Russian or American governments. We receive no financial support from any governmental or church institutions. Our entire budget (100%) is funded by the generous donations of our parishioners and friends and by the various fundraising events we conduct.