Wisdom of Solomon 4:7,16,17,19,20; 5:1-7 (Vespers Forerunner)


But though the righteous be prevented with death, yet shall he be in rest.


Thus the righteous that is dead shall condemn the ungodly which are living; and youth that is soon perfected the many years and old age of the unrighteous.


For they shall see the end of the wise, and shall not understand what God in his counsel hath decreed of him, and to what end the Lord hath set him in safety.


For he shall rend them, and cast them down headlong, that they shall be speechless; and he shall shake them from the foundation; and they shall be utterly laid waste, and be in sorrow; and their memorial shall perish.


And when they cast up the accounts of their sins, they shall come with fear: and their own iniquities shall convince them to their face.


Then shall the righteous man stand in great boldness before the face of such as have afflicted him, and made no account of his labours.


When they see it, they shall be troubled with terrible fear, and shall be amazed at the strangeness of his salvation, so far beyond all that they looked for.


And they repenting and groaning for anguish of spirit shall say within themselves, This was he, whom we had sometimes in derision, and a proverb of reproach:


We fools accounted his life madness, and his end to be without honour:


How is he numbered among the children of God, and his lot is among the saints!


Therefore have we erred from the way of truth, and the light of righteousness hath not shined unto us, and the sun of righteousness rose not upon us.


We wearied ourselves in the way of wickedness and destruction: yea, we have gone through deserts, where there lay no way: but as for the way of the Lord, we have not known it.