The PriestMartyr Zotikos (Zoticus), Nourisher of Orphans

Commemorated on December 30

      The PriestMartyr Zotikos (Zoticus), Nourisher of Orphans, an illustrious and rich Roman, was in the service of Saint Constantine the Great (306-337). When the emperor transferred the capital from Rome to Constantinople, Zotikos also relocated there. Soon, however, spurning worldly honours, Zotikos accepted the priestly dignity, and he began in his own home to provide for the destitute and orphaned. Then, having received funds from Saint Constantine, he built a place for the sick, a shelter for the homeless, where he took in those afflicted with leprosy, rescuing them from the soldiers, who had been ordered to drown the sick in the sea.
      When there followed upon the imperial throne Saint Constantine's son, Constantius (337-361), an adherent of the Arian heresy, a denunciation was made against Saint Zotikos, that he had received from the deceased emperor a large sum of money. Interrogated over this, Zotikos pointed out to the emperor the homeless and sick home built by him. Constantius became angry, since according to his reckoning, that with the money received from his father Zotikos had purchased jewels, and he wanted them back. He gave orders to tie Saint Zotikos to wild mules, which dragged the saint over the stones. All his body was lacerated, and the saint gave up his soul to God. At the place of his death sprang forth a stream of pure water, from which many received healing.


© 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.